whoo-- hannah`s christmas party is over... that`s sad. But we all had fun,aye(: with each other! & that`s what matters!
BBQed, played. there`s even a xmas log cake which DEAR NICOLE bought! 3 cheers!
and to ME too!! :D I bought PIZZA (nice nadia helped to pay some $$) for everyone & presents for almost all the girls!
I`m lazy to type the events. hannah`s both sisters and bro are nice people too! :D
PLAYED till nighttt 10.00 and went home. yay thank you zhisheng,Gan.you rock! for teaching me how to play table-tennis! :D
Today`s choir day camp. Day ONE.
It`s pretty fun and interesting. I got to draw the mascot for our team banner! [honoured(: ]For the first game that we played, my team WON! Its super hard. super duper hard. and we actually did it. We were SO happy. Overwhelmed with joy and screams. :D yay three cheers & three cheers & three cheers to group three! and my team teamed up with group two(junwei`s group) and GANG-GANGxD Group one!(zhisheng`s group) HEEEE. kept cheering for each other :D The only sad thing is that we couldnt think of anything for the sec four farewell and got such a humoungous headache. everyone was panicking like mad. We cant do the pranks anymore cos the food that we 'spiked' and 'ruined' actually was DELICIOUS. GAHH. and the teacher had to come and not trust us and spoil our moods towards the end of the day.
Its so fun. cheering and games and bonding!! YAY.
I love it.
when its fun,duh.
Cant wait for day TWO! where the fun just gets better.
and it can take my mind off certain things.
I cant sleep.
I dont sleep anymore. `cos I cant.
from Yesterday.
Cried the whole night.
Cried always,whenever I`m alone.
I think about it. Look at the message on the lit screen.
And tears start rollin down once and again.
I start pulling my hair out and scream silently.
I wish i could scream out loud.
Why this way?
I dont want this.
I`m prayin and wishin.
I couldnt eat,sleep.
I do alot of things to keep me exhausted. to tire myself out.
Hoping that I can fall into a restless,relentless sleep.
at least some shut-eye.
but i know. when I close my eyes. My mind is still running.
And behind those heavy eyelids,tears start to roll again.
I willed myself not to cry. To be a brave girl.
But that dosent work,obviously.
But that`s okay. yeah.
Perhaps I`ve been the selfish one, not thinking about your wants. perhaps.
But I guess your happiness is what matters.
the most.